November 9-12, 2023 - Omni Hotel
Fort Worth, Texas

Evaluations are required for all CME attendees by ACCME guidelines in order for TSPP to maintain its CME accreditation status. Make sure to complete both online forms, if you attend both days of CME.

Saturday CME Evaluation Form

Sunday CME Evaluation Form

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"Bridging the Gaps: Embracing Diversity in Psychiatric Care"

Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians

“Bridging the Gaps: Embracing Diversity in Psychiatric Care”

November 11-12, 2023
9 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM,
with 2 of the Hours Designated for Medical Ethics/Professional Responsibility

Saturday November 11, 2023

8:15 am – 8:30 am

Opening Remarks

8:30 am – 10:30 am

Treatment Updates for Perinatal Mental Health Conditions – Latoya Frolov, MD, and Meitra Doty MD


Objectives: The learning objectives for this activity has been designed to address clinician competence. Upon conclusion of the activity participants should be able to:
– Describe the challenges and issues in assessing perinatal mental health disorders
– Identify the medications that can safely be used during pregnancy and while breast feeding
– Discuss the common treatment strategies in treating perinatal mental health disorders


10:50 am – 11:50 am

Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adults: Challenges and Strategies in Management – Arthur Westover, MD


Objectives: The learning objectives for this activity has been designed to address clinician competence. Upon conclusion of the activity participants should be able to:
– Describe the challenges and issues treating ASD in adults
– Describe the role of psychiatry as a field moving forward in meeting the growing needs of the adult ASD population
– Discuss team-based approaches to treating severe behavioral challenges in adults with ASD


1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Reaching Out to LGBTQ+ Patients – M. Brett Cooper, MD


Objectives: The learning objectives for this activity has been designed to address clinician competence. Upon conclusion of the activity participants should be able to:
– Identify behaviors that demonstrate (or do not demonstrate) a positive attitude toward sexual minorities
– Identify psychiatric diagnoses that have increased prevalence in sexual minorities and ways that these diagnoses may present differently.
– Identify cultural factors that may impair formation of a therapeutic relationship or increase prevalence of psychiatric illness in sexual minorities.
– Identify affirming practices that increase efficacy of treatment.


3:20 pm – 4:50 pm

Update on the Science and Applications of Psychedelics in Mental Health Treatment –  Charles Nemeroff, PhD, MD


Objectives: The learning objectives for this activity has been designed to address clinician competence. Upon conclusion of the activity participants should be able to:
– Describe the challenges and issues in using psychedelics in treating mental health disorders
– Identify the psychedelic medications that can be used in treating mental health disorders
– Discuss the emerging evidence for utilizing psychedelics in treating mental health disorders

4:50 pm – 5:00 pm

Closing Remarks

Sunday November 12, 2023

8:15 am – 8:30 am

Opening Remarks

8:30 am – 10:30 am

Ethics: Special Issues in Guardianship – Edward Poa, MD


Objectives: The learning objectives for this activity has been designed to address clinician competence. Upon conclusion of the activity participants should be able to:
– Identify when a patient requires a guardian\
– Discuss how to pursue guardianship for a patient
– Identify when guardianship is no longer indicated and know who to notify


10:50 am – 11:50 am

Update on Telepsychiatry – Amber Pastusek, MD


Objectives: The learning objectives for this activity has been designed to address clinician competence. Upon conclusion of the activity participants should be able to:
– Discuss how telepsychiatry practices changed post pandemic
– Identify best practices and regulations regarding use of telepsychatiry
– Identify what resources psychiatrists can rely on for the most up-to-date information for their practice of medicine with telepsychiatry

11:50 am – 12:00 pm

Closing Remarks

CME PROGRAM GOAL / TARGET AUDIENCE This live activity has been designed in a format consisting of case study presentations, lectures and direct discussion to provide its primary target audience of Psychiatrists, as well as other specialties of medicine, with the most up-to-date, evidence-based data that can be translated into clinical practice. Information and data will address new developments in treatments and new directions in research to address the professional practice gaps of the learners and advance the physicians’ competence and effective use of targeted skills so that they may develop strategies to apply the knowledge, skills and judgement of the information presented in the educational activity into their practice. The learning objectives for this activity have been designed to address clinician competence.

NEEDS ASSESSMENT TSPP has incorporated into this CME activity the relevant educational needs concerning competence that underlie the professional practice gaps of our participants.

ACCREDITATION STATEMENT The Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians is accredited by the Texas Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

CREDIT STATEMENT The Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians designates this Live Activity for a maximum of nine (9) AMA PRA Category I CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in this activity.

ETHICS DESIGNATION STATEMENT The presentation entitled “Special Issues in Guardianship” has been designated by the Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians for two (2) hours of education in medical ethics and/or professional responsibility.

FACULTY AND PLANNERS DISCLOSURE POLICY The Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians will disclose to participants the existence of any relevant financial relationships between faculty members, TSPP staff and members, who planned, authored, contributed to, and/or reviewed the content of this activity, and any commercial interest discussed in this educational activity. Disclosure will occur through written communication in the syllabus/handout material.