
tomalogoThe nonprofit, Austin-based Texas Osteopathic Medical Association was formally organized by five osteopathic physicians on November 29, 1900, in Sherman, Texas, under the name, Texas Association for the Advancement of Osteopathy. At the organizational meeting David L. Clark, D.O., of Sherman was elected president with an initial state membership of approximately ten; a constitution was adopted; and, first officers were elected. The first Texas Medical Practice Act, passed in 1907, permitted the licensing of doctors of osteopathy. John F. Bailey, D.O., of Waco was appointed by Governor Thomas M. Campbell as the first osteopathic physician on the composite State Board of Medical Examiners. In 1901, during the group’s second meeting in Fort Worth, the name was changed to Texas Osteopathic Association. The name was changed again in 1930 to Texas Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, and the association was first incorporated in 1946 in Dallas County. Its purpose was to support the science of osteopathic medicine. On September 14, 1971, the name was changed to Texas Osteopathic Medical Association.



A. to promote health care excellence for the people of Texas;
B. to advance the philosophy and principles of osteopathic medicine; and,
C. to loyally embrace the family of the osteopathic profession and serve their unique needs.


OFFICERS 2015-2016

President – Steven L. Gates, DO, Corpus Christi
President-Elect – David E. Garza, DO, FACOFP, Laredo
Vice President – Steven G. Bander, DO, Wylie
Immediate Past President –  John L. Wright, Jr., DO, Longview
Past President  – P. Steve Worrell, DO, Dallas



David H. Reynolds, Executive Director
Jennifer George, Membership and Communications
Patty Bell, Executive Assistant, Exhibits Coordinator
Kris Beavers, Continuing Education & Meetings; Financial Operations


For more information about the Texas Osteopathic Medical Association, visit their website at www.txosteo.org.

Texas Osteopathic Medical Association
1415 Lavaca
Austin, Texas 78701
Telephone: 512/708-8662; Fax: 512/708-1415
Email: toma@txosteo.org
