
Texas Medical Association was organized by 35 physicians in 1853 to serve the people of Texas in matters of medical care, prevention and cure of disease, and the improvement of public health. Today, with more 50,000 physician and medical student members, TMA’s vision is still “to improve the health of all Texans.” TMA aggressively supports Texas physicians by providing distinctive solutions to the challenges they encounter in the practice of medicine.



A. Tomas Garcia III, MD, Houston, President
Don R. Read, MD, Dallas, President-Elect
Austin King, MD, Abilene Immediate Past President
Michelle A. Berger, MD, Austin, Secretary/Treasurer
Susan M. Strate, MD, Wichita Falls, Speaker of the House
Arlo Weltg, MD, Houston, Vice Speaker of the House

Louis J. Goodman, PhD, CAE, Executive Vice President/CEO



Tex-Med 2016– April 29-30, 2016

Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, Dallas

For more information about the Texas Medical Association, visit their website at www.texmed.org.
