Budget Highlights:
GME – Approval of the $60m initially proposed by Senator Nelson, with $57m towards GME. This breaks down as follows:
1) Total of $53m for GME expansion grants over the biennium, compared with current $14.3m. Allocation (tied to SB 18 which creates or modifies the programs below):
A. $3.5m for GME planning and partnership grants;
B. $32.55m for creation of new first-year GME positions @$75,000 per resident/per year; $16m of this is specifically for new GME positions that prepare physicians for entry into primary care practices (it is important to use this language, if at all possible, it addresses concern that $ for internal medicine programs will produce subspecialists);
C. $9.75m for unfilled first-year GME positions (unfilled as of July 1, 2013, does not incentivize hospitals to withdraw previous GME support);
D. $7.2M for continued grant support to residency positions that were created with state grants this biennium
2) Total of $7m for primary care physician pipeline programs, divided between:
A. GME: $4m in additional dollars for existing family medicine residency programs, for an overall total of $16.78m; a 31% increase over current funding.
B. Undergraduate Medical Education: Revitalization of Statewide Primary Care Preceptorship Program, funded at $3m.
State GME Formula Funding
Increase of 22% or $2,284 in biennial per resident formula funding, a net increase of $20.2m for a state total of $85.9m, to help offset teaching costs related to GME. (Senate proposal)
MEDICAL SCHOOL FORMULA FUNDING – Increase of 3% or $1,321 in annual per student formula funding, a net increase of $48m for a state total of $601.6m (excludes small class supplements) (House proposal)
Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) – No change from current funding of $10.21m.
State Physician Education Loan Repayment Program – No change from current funding of $33.8m.
Bills of interest:
HB 225 – Naloxone/Good Samaritan. This bill has been a priority for the Federation. We are having some trouble getting passed the Governor’s veto, on the basis of some legal concerns on the Good Sam provisions. The Federation and TMA have written letters and communicated with Abbott’s staff on several occasions and we are hopeful that we will be successful.
HB 910 – Open Carry. This legislation essentially allows CHL holders to openly carry at any location where they can currently carry with their CHL.
HB 2216 – MH Driver’s License. This bill strikes the MH question from driver’s license applications.
HB 2708 – MH Driver’s Training. This bill allows a family member with a history of MI to still instruct their family in driver’s education using the approved DPS familial driver training guides.
HCR 84 – MH Month. This rather innocuous was the very first Abbott veto, because it created substantive law by direction state licensing boards to allow LMFT to use the DSM5 to diagnose and bill for certain codes. HCRs are not supposed to enact law – this one initially declared May to be MH awareness month in Texas. Very crafty move here – caught by the Governor’ s staff.
SB 18 – GME. This was the grand GME bill that creates a revolving fund to further supplement GME spending. Its provisions are largely captured in the budget.
SB 359 – ER Holds. This bill has been another priority for the Federation. It allows physicians to initiate a 4-hour hold for mentally ill patients who are a danger to themselves or others. There is a concern that the Governor will veto the bill due to civil liberties concerns, but we have written letters and lobbied his office in multiple ways, so I think we will be OK.
SB 239 – MH Workforce. This is Sen. Schwertner’s MH workforce bill, creating a loan repayment program for psychiatrists, psychologists, and other MH treatment professionals who work in underserved communities. The bill is funded for $5M for the biennium.
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05-23-2015 – 13:57:44[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
HB 7 | Darby, Drew(R) Nelson, Jane(R) |
Relating to the amounts, availability, and use of certain statutorily dedicated revenue and accounts. |
Last Action: | 5-21-15 S Passed (Vote: Y: 31/N: 0) |
HB 39 | Smithee, John(R) Zaffirini, Judith(D) |
Relating to guardianships for incapacitated persons. |
Last Action: | 5-20-15 G Sent to the Governor |
HB 197 | Price, Four(R) Nelson, Jane(R) |
Relating to requiring a public institution of higher education to post information regarding mental health resources on the institution’s Internet website. |
Last Action: | 5-21-15 H House concurred in Senate amendments (Vote: Y:144/N: 1) |
HB 225 | Guillen, Ryan(D) Watson, Kirk(D) |
Relating to the prosecution of certain offenses involving controlled substances and other prohibited drugs, substances, or paraphernalia. |
Last Action: | 5-20-15 G Sent to the Governor |
HB 574 | Bonnen, Greg(R) Campbell, Donna(R) |
Relating to the operation of certain managed care plans with respect to health care providers. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 G Sent to the Governor |
HB 751 | Zerwas, John(R) Kolkhorst, Lois (F)(R) |
Relating to the prescription and pharmaceutical substitution of biological products. |
Last Action: | 5-21-15 H House adopted conference report (Vote: Y:144/N: 0) |
HB 764 | King, Susan(R) Rodriguez, Jose(D) |
Relating to the use, collection, and security of health care data collected by the Department of State Health Services. |
Last Action: | 5-23-15 S Passed on local calendar (Vote: Y: 31/N: 0) |
HB 910 | Phillips, Larry(R) Estes, Craig(R) |
Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 S Passed (Vote: Y: 20/N: 11) |
HB 1309 | Turner, Sylvester(D) Schwertner, Charles(R) |
Relating to the notification of certain legislators of the death of a child in foster care. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 S Passed (Vote: Y: 31/N: 0) |
HB 1430 | King, Susan(R) Zaffirini, Judith(D) |
Relating to the inclusion of mental health in the public services endorsement on a public school diploma and in information about health science career pathways. |
Last Action: | 5-14-15 G Sent to the Governor |
HB 1678 | Raymond, Richard(D) Schwertner, Charles(R) |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities. |
Last Action: | 5-14-15 G Sent to the Governor |
HB 1762 | Otto, John(R) Lucio, Eddie(D) |
Relating to the creation of a health care advocacy program for veterans. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 S Passed on local calendar (Vote: Y: 30/N: 1) |
HB 1779 | Murr, Andrew (F)(R) Uresti, Carlos(D) |
Relating to the confidentiality of a physician’s patient information in certain judicial proceedings. |
Last Action: | 5-23-15 H Set on the House Items Eligible Calendar |
HB 1878 | Laubenberg, Jodie(R) Taylor, Van (F)(R) |
Relating to the reimbursement of providers under the Medicaid program for the provision of telemedicine medical services in a school-based setting. |
Last Action: | 5-21-15 S Passed (Vote: Y: 30/N: 1) |
HB 2216 | Coleman, Garnet(D) Kolkhorst, Lois (F)(R) |
Relating to information required of an applicant for a driver’s license. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 S Passed on local calendar (Vote: Y: 31/N: 0) |
HB 2396 | Howard, Donna(D) Seliger, Kel(R) |
Relating to eliminating requirements that certain public institutions of higher education set aside portions of tuition for student loan repayment programs for certain physicians and state attorneys. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 S Passed (Vote: Y: 30/N: 1) |
HB 2708 | Coleman, Garnet(D) Kolkhorst, Lois (F)(R) |
Relating to the qualifications for teaching a driver education course. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 S Passed on local calendar (Vote: Y: 31/N: 0) |
HB 2789 | Raymond, Richard(D) Zaffirini, Judith(D) |
Relating to trauma-informed care training for certain employees of state supported living centers and intermediate care facilities. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 S Passed (Vote: Y: 29/N: 2) |
HB 3742 | Smith, Wayne(R) Eltife, Kevin(R) |
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation to determine applicant eligibility for a license. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 S Passed on local calendar (Vote: Y: 31/N: 0) |
HCR 84 | Clardy, Travis(R) Nichols, Robert(R) |
Commending mental health professionals on the occasion of National Mental Health Month. |
Last Action: | 5-18-15 G Vetoed by the Governor |
SB 18 | Nelson, Jane(R) Zerwas, John(R) |
Relating to measures to support or enhance graduate medical education in this state, including the transfer of assets following the dissolution of the Texas Medical Liability Insurance Underwriting Association. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 S Set on the Senate Items Eligible Calendar |
SB 55 | Nelson, Jane(R) King, Susan(R) |
Relating to the creation of a grant program to support community mental health programs for veterans with mental illness. |
Last Action: | 5-23-15 H Set on the House Items Eligible Calendar |
SB 125 | West, Royce(D) Naishtat, Elliott(D) |
Relating to certain assessments for children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. |
Last Action: | 9- 1-15 G Earliest effective date |
SB 203 | Nelson, Jane(R) Raymond, Richard(D) |
Relating to the continuations and functions of the Texas Health Services Authority as a quasi-governmental entity and the electronic exchange of health care information. |
Last Action: | 9- 1-15 G Earliest effective date |
SB 219 | Schwertner, Charles(R) Price, Four(R) |
Relating to the provision of health and human services in this state, including the powers and duties of the Health and Human Services Commission and other state agencies, and the licensing of certain health professionals. |
Last Action: | 4- 2-15 G Earliest effective date |
SB 239 | Schwertner, Charles(R) Zerwas, John(R) |
Relating to student loan repayment assistance for certain mental health professionals. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 H Passed (Vote: Y: 82/N: 59) |
SB 359 | West, Royce(D) Workman, Paul(R) |
Relating to the authority of a peace officer to apprehend a person for emergency detention and the authority of certain facilities to temporarily detain a person with mental illness. |
Last Action: | 5-20-15 G Sent to the Governor |
SB 481 | Hancock, Kelly(R) Smithee, John(R) |
Relating to notice and availability of mediation for balance billing by a facility-based physician. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 S Senate concurred in House amendments (Vote: Y: 29/N: 2) |
SB 746 | Whitmire, John(D) Turner, Sylvester(D) |
Relating to the civil commitment of sexually violent predators. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 G Sent to the Governor |
SB 760 | Schwertner, Charles(R) Price, Four(R) |
Relating to provider access requirements for a Medicaid managed care organization. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 H Passed (Vote: Y:141/N: 0) |
SB 1149 | Watson, Kirk(D) Workman, Paul(R) |
Relating to the commitment of certain juveniles to local post-adjudication secure correctional facilities in certain counties and to the release under supervision of those juveniles. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 H Passed on local calendar (Vote: Y:140/N: 0) |
SB 1304 | Menendez, Jose (F)(D) Minjarez, Ina (F)(D) |
Relating to the creation of a women veterans mental health initiative within the mental health intervention program for veterans. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 H Passed on local calendar (Vote: Y:140/N: 0) |
SB 1466 | Watson, Kirk(D) Clardy, Travis(R) |
Relating to the definition of medical schools for medical residency programs. |
Last Action: | 5-15-15 G Earliest effective date |
SB 1507 | Garcia, Sylvia(D) Naishtat, Elliott(D) |
Relating to the appointment of a forensic medical director responsible for statewide coordination and oversight of forensic mental health services provided by the Department of State Health Services. |
Last Action: | 5-20-15 G Sent to the Governor |
SB 1753 | Campbell, Donna(R) Davis, Sarah(R) |
Relating to the identification requirements of certain health care providers associated with a hospital. |
Last Action: | 9- 1-15 G Earliest effective date |
SB 1882 | Zaffirini, Judith(D) Thompson, Senfronia(D) |
Relating to a bill of rights for wards under guardianship. |
Last Action: | 5-22-15 H Passed on local calendar (Vote: Y:140/N: 0) |
SB 1929 | Garcia, Sylvia(D) Thompson, Senfronia(D) |
Relating to the transfer of jurisdiction and the appointment of an attorney ad litem or guardian ad litem in certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship. |
Last Action: | 5-20-15 G Sent to the Governor |
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05-23-2015 – 13:44:07
HB 19 |
King, Susan(R) Campbell, Donna(R) |
Relating to mental health and preventive services programs for veterans’ and military families. |
Last Action: |
5-24-15 S First placement on Senate Intent Calendar for |
HB 65 |
McClendon, Ruth Jones(D) |
Relating to disease control pilot programs to reduce the risk of certain communicable diseases. |
Last Action: |
5-21-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Health and Human Services |
HB 211 |
Rose, Toni(D) Rodriguez, Jose(D) |
Relating to resuming a criminal case after a defendant is determined to be competent to stand trial. |
Last Action: |
5-22-15 S Reported from committee as substituted Senate Criminal Justice |
HB 615 |
Clardy, Travis(R) |
Relating to authorizing the sale of certain real property held by the Health and Human Services Commission to the City of Rusk. |
Last Action: |
5- 4-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Health and Human Services |
HB 642 |
Canales, Terry(D) Hinojosa, Chuy(D) |
Relating to an alcohol awareness program or drug education program for certain minors convicted of or adjudicated to have engaged in, or placed on deferred disposition or community supervision for, certain drug or alcohol related offenses |
Last Action: |
5-24-15 S First placement on Senate Intent Calendar for |
HB 838 |
Naishtat, Elliott(D) |
Relating to the definition of serious mental illness for purposes of certain group health benefit plans. |
Last Action: |
5-20-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Business and Commerce |
HB 839 |
Naishtat, Elliott(D) |
Relating to presumptive eligibility for the Medicaid and child health plan programs for certain children. |
Last Action: |
5-22-15 S Reported from committee as substituted Senate Health and Human Services |
HB 1083 |
Marquez, Marisa(D) Whitmire, John(D) |
Relating to a mental health assessment of certain inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Last Action: |
5-21-15 S Recommended for Local/Uncontested Calendar |
HB 1329 |
Naishtat, Elliott(D) Zaffirini, Judith(D) |
Relating to the payment of costs incurred by the involuntary commitment of persons with mental illness. |
Last Action: |
5-21-15 S Recommended for Local/Uncontested Calendar |
HB 1371 |
Dutton, Harold(D) |
Relating to the establishment of an office of consumer affairs for children in foster care. |
Last Action: |
5-19-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Committee on Administration |
HB 1403 |
Sheets, Kenneth(R) Estes, Craig(R) |
Relating to the definition of health care liability claim for the purposes of certain laws governing those claims. |
Last Action: |
5-24-15 S First placement on Senate Intent Calendar for |
HB 1438 |
Thompson, Senfronia(D) Zaffirini, Judith(D) |
Relating to guardianships and other matters related to incapacitated persons. |
Last Action: |
5-22-15 S Voted favorably from committee as substituted Senate State Affairs |
HB 1449 |
Thompson, Senfronia(D) Rodriguez, Jose(D) |
Relating to child custody evaluations and adoption evaluations conducted and testimony provided in certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship. |
Last Action: |
5-21-15 S Recommended for Local/Uncontested Calendar |
HB 1541 |
Burkett, Cindy(R) Perry, Charles (F)(R) |
Relating to peer specialists, peer services, and the provision of those services under the medical assistance program. |
Last Action: |
5-20-15 S Committee action pending Senate Health and Human Services |
HB 1623 |
Laubenberg, Jodie(R) |
Relating to the reimbursement of providers for the provision of certain home telemonitoring services under the Medicaid program. |
Last Action: |
5-11-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Health and Human Services |
HB 1624 |
Smithee, John(R) Seliger, Kel(R) |
Relating to transparency of certain information related to certain health benefit plan coverage. |
Last Action: |
5-22-15 S Recommended for Local/Uncontested Calendar |
HB 1786 |
Dutton, Harold(D) Campbell, Donna(R) |
Relating to the transfer of driver and traffic safety education from the Texas Education Agency to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. |
Last Action: |
5-20-15 S Voted favorably from committee as substituted Senate Education |
HB 1855 |
Rose, Toni(D) Whitmire, John(D) |
Relating to training, continuing education, and weapons proficiency standards for correctional officers employed by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Last Action: |
5-24-15 S First placement on Senate Intent Calendar for |
HB 1998 |
Coleman, Garnet(D) |
Relating to the definition of “non-physician mental health professional” for purposes of the Texas Mental Health Code. |
Last Action: |
5-15-15 S Received in the Senate – Referred to Senate Health and Human Services |
HB 2004 |
Darby, Drew(R) |
Relating to a pilot project to provide emergency telemedicine medical services in rural areas. |
Last Action: |
5-12-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Health and Human Services |
HB 2048 |
Naishtat, Elliott(D) |
Relating to the delivery of mental health services and supports under a system of care framework to minors who have or are at risk of developing a serious emotional disturbance or who are at risk. |
Last Action: |
5-18-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Health and Human Services |
HB 2089 |
Darby, Drew(R) |
Relating to the repeal of certain occupational license fees and taxes. |
Last Action: |
4-28-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Finance |
HB 2301 |
Riddle, Debbie(R) Whitmire, John(D) |
Relating to time credits awarded against the cumulative period of commitment or treatment of certain defendants determined to be incompetent to stand trial. |
Last Action: |
5-21-15 S Recommended for Local/Uncontested Calendar |
HB 2503 |
Zerwas, John(R) |
Relating to examination requirements for certain applicants for a license to practice medicine. |
Last Action: |
5-18-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Health and Human Services |
HB 2541 |
Zerwas, John(R) |
Relating to health benefit plan coverage of certain treatments for enrollees diagnosed with a terminal illness. |
Last Action: |
5- 6-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Business and Commerce |
HB 2597 |
Reynolds, Ron(D) |
Relating to the creation of a mental health treatment for incarceration diversion pilot program. |
Last Action: |
5- 7-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Health and Human Services |
HB 2641 |
Zerwas, John(R) Schwertner, Charles(R) |
Relating to the exchange of electronic health information in this state. |
Last Action: |
5-22-15 S Recommended for Local/Uncontested Calendar |
HB 2684 |
Giddings, Helen(D) Whitmire, John(D) |
Relating to the creation of a model training curriculum and to the required training for school district peace officers and school resource officers. |
Last Action: |
5-22-15 S Voted favorably from committee on Senate Criminal Justice |
HB 2703 |
Simmons, Ron(R) |
Relating to the establishment of the Texas Board of Behavior Analyst Examiners and the requirement to obtain a license to practice as a behavior analyst or assistant behavior analyst. |
Last Action: |
5-18-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Health and Human Services |
HB 3404 |
Thompson, Senfronia(D) Lucio, Eddie(D) |
Relating to a study on providing care to veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. |
Last Action: |
5-21-15 S Recommended for Local/Uncontested Calendar |
HB 3476 |
Coleman, Garnet(D) |
Relating to the provision and reimbursement of home telemonitoring services, telemedicine medical services, and telehealth services under the Medicaid program. |
Last Action: |
5-14-15 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Health and Human Services |
HB 3519 |
Guerra, Bobby(D) Watson, Kirk(D) |
Relating to the use of home telemonitoring services under the Medicaid program. |
Last Action: |
5-24-15 S First placement on Senate Intent Calendar for |
HB 3781 |
Crownover, Myra(R) Watson, Kirk(D) |
Relating to the creation of the Texas Health Improvement Network. |
Last Action: |
5-22-15 S Recommended for Local/Uncontested Calendar |
SB 133 |
Schwertner, Charles(R) Coleman, Garnet(D) |
Relating to mental health first aid training for school district employees and school resource officers. |
Last Action: |
5-24-15 H Set on the House Calendar |
SB 197 |
Schwertner, Charles(R) Keffer, Jim(R) |
Relating to the financial self-sufficiency of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas. |
Last Action: |
5-24-15 H Set on the House Calendar |
SB 200 |
Nelson, Jane(R) Price, Four(R) |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Health and Human Services Commission and the provision of health and human services in this state. |
Last Action: |
5-24-15 H Set on the House Calendar |
SB 202 |
Nelson, Jane(R) Price, Four(R) |
Relating to the Department of State Health Services, the provision of health services in this state, and the regulation of certain health-related occupations and activities. |
Last Action: |
5-24-15 H Set on the House Calendar |
SB 206 |
Schwertner, Charles(R) Burkett, Cindy(R) |
Relating to the functions of the Department of Family and Protective Services. |
Last Action: |
5-22-15 H Reported from committee as substituted House Human Services |
SB 277 |
Schwertner, Charles(R) Sheffield, J.D.(R) |
Relating to the abolition of certain health-related task forces, work groups, advisory councils, and advisory committees. |
Last Action: |
5-19-15 H Sent to the Calendars Committee |
SB 295 |
Schwertner, Charles(R) Guillen, Ryan(D) |
Relating to tracking career information for graduates of Texas medical schools and persons completing medical residency programs in Texas. |
Last Action: |
5-22-15 H Passed to third reading |
SB 674 |
Campbell, Donna(R) Coleman, Garnet(D) |
Relating to instruction regarding mental health, substance abuse, and youth suicide in educator training programs. |
Last Action: |
5-22-15 H Recommended for Local and Consent Calendar |
SB 830 |
Kolkhorst, Lois (F)(R) Dutton, Harold(D) |
Relating to the establishment of an office of consumer affairs for children in foster care. |
Last Action: |
5-21-15 H Recommended for Local and Consent Calendar |
SB 1169 |
Campbell, Donna(R) |
Relating to suicide prevention training for educators in public schools. |
Last Action: |
5-14-15 H Referred to House Committee on House Public Education |
SB 1229 |
Seliger, Kel(R) |
Relating to restrictions on the use of credit card payments to settle claims for health care services. |
Last Action: |
5-20-15 H Committee action pending House Investments and Financial Services |
SB 1369 |
Zaffirini, Judith(D) Smithee, John(R) |
Relating to reports on attorney ad litem appointments made by courts in this state. |
Last Action: |
5-22-15 H Recommended for Local and Consent Calendar |
SB 1560 |
Zaffirini, Judith(D) Lozano, Jose(R) |
Relating to chemical dependency treatment facilities. |
Last Action: |
5-23-15 H Set on the House Calendar |
SB 1584 |
Lucio, Eddie(D) |
Relating to positive behavioral interventions and supports for students enrolled in public school who receive special education services. |
Last Action: |
5-14-15 H Referred to House Committee on House Public Education |
SB 1624 |
Rodriguez, Jose(D) Marquez, Marisa(D) |
Relating to a requirement that entering undergraduate students at a public institution of higher education attend an orientation regarding mental health and suicide prevention services. |
Last Action: |
5-22-15 H Recommended for Local and Consent Calendar |
SB 1880 |
Zaffirini, Judith(D) Raymond, Richard(D) |
Relating to the authority of the Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate abuse, neglect, or exploitation of individuals receiving services from certain providers. |
Last Action: |
5-12-15 H Reported favorably from committee on House Human Services |
SB 1888 |
Zaffirini, Judith(D) Coleman, Garnet(D) |
Relating to a requirement that a county report the number of certain persons with mental illness detained in that county’s jail. |
Last Action: |
5-21-15 H Sent to the Calendars Committee |