APA Calls for Comments and Review of “Practice Guideline for the Prevention and Treatment of Delirium”
APA’s goal is to identify and address any comments members may have during this public comment period and before this guideline is submitted to the Assembly for approval. Comments on this guideline draft are also being requested from the APA Board of Trustees, the APA Assembly, experts in the field, allied organizations and advocacy groups, the APA Councils, APA members, and members of the public.
The Guideline Writing Group drafted the guideline based on a systematic review of the available evidence. Each statement (recommendation or suggestion) is separately rated according to the strength of the supporting research evidence and the balance of possible benefits and harms of the recommended or suggested actions. In addition to specific statements, the draft guideline includes a review of strategies and caveats when implementing the recommendations and a discussion of the appropriateness of the recommendations to inform quality improvement activities.
A PDF version of the draft is available on the APA website at www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/practice/…. The deadline to comment is March 8, 2024.
Comments should be emailed to guidelines@psych.org using the online Microsoft Word comment form. Please include the following information:
- Reference each comment by page and line number, and include a reference or rationale for your comment.
- Disclose any relevant potential conflicts of interest, e.g., significant industry or other financial relationships you have that may be relevant to evaluating your comment.
- Include an email address and/or phone number where we can contact you for additional information about your input, if necessary.
- Please list your name and academic degree as you would like them to be listed if you wish to be acknowledged in the guideline for submitting comments.
As part of APA’s efforts to promote awareness and education about delirium, members may also be interested in attending the @APA Educational Series: Delirium Update 2024 on Friday, March 8. More information can be found here: www.psychiatry.org/attheapa.
After this review, the guideline will be submitted to the APA Assembly and Board of Trustees for final approval and publication.
If there are any questions, please contact Jennifer Medicus, APA Practice Guidelines, at guidelines@psych.org.