This Admission Guideline for Crisis Facilities was developed by the Professional Practices Committee of the Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians and adopted by the TSPP Executive Council on September 17, 1995. Amendments to the document were adopted by the TSPP Executive Council on April 26, 1998 and on May 28, 2000.
This Guideline is not considered to be prescriptive for all patients due to the wide variety of circumstances associated with the presentation of patients for psychiatric care.
Physician oversight is required to admit patients to crisis facilities where mental health services are offered under the supervision and/or direction of psychiatrists, or crisis facilities where psychiatrists have administrative or clinical responsibilities.
1. On April 26, 1998, the TSPP Executive Council adopted an amendment to change the title of the document to Admission Guideline for Crisis Facilities and to change references to “standard(s)” in the document to “guideline(s)” where appropriate.
2. On May 28, 2000, the TSPP Executive Council approved a name change for the Professional Standards Committee to the Professional Practices Committee.