TSCAP Annual Convention and Scientific Program
July 19-21, 2024 - Kalahari Resort
Round Rock, Texas
Thank you for attending "Bridging the Divide: Improving the Integration of Psychiatry and Neurology"
Speaker/Session Evaluations:
Saturday Online Evaluation
Sunday Online Evaluation
Click here to download CME presentations
Attendees received password via email. Email TSCAP@www.txpsych.org if you have trouble accessing the presentations.
Special Thanks to our Conference Exhibitors:
American Professional Agency
BasePoint Academy
Kendra Scott
Menninger Clinic
Newport Healthcare Residential Treatment
Professional Risk Management Services
Texas Foundation for Psychiatric Education & Research
Make a charitable contribution to the Foundation using this link.
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Texas Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
“Bridging the Divide: Improving the Integration of Psychiatry and Neurology”
July 19-21, 2024
8 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM
Saturday July 20, 2024
8:15 am – 8:30 am | Opening Remarks |
8:30 am – 9:30 am | Functional Neurological Disorders Jeff Waugh, MD, PhD |
Objectives: The learning objectives for this activity has been designed to address clinician competence. Upon conclusion of the activity participants should be able to: – Recognize a few of the structural brain abnormalities associated with functional neurological disorder. – Appreciate the impact of stigma, in part propagated by healthcare systems, on patients with functional symptoms. – Understand the components of an FND-focused treatment team and how to tailor therapy to individual patients. |
9:30 am – 10:30 am | Psychosocial Stressors in Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS); An Opportunity to Improve Outcomes – Qazi Javed, MD, FAPA, ABIHM |
Objectives: The learning objectives for this activity has been designed to address clinician competence. Upon conclusion of the activity participants should be able to: – Use the ecological systems theory to identify the multiple domains that can contribute to the development of a child with PANS. – Identify how a child with PANS can affect the multiple ecological domains around itself. – Identify the areas of impact a child psychiatrist can have to help guide treatment. |
10:30 am – 10:50 am | Refreshment Break with Door Prize Drawings, Exhibitors, and Poster Session |
10:50 am – 11:50 am | Genetics of Autism and Developmental Delay: We are Still Learning – Joseph Ray, MD |
Objectives: The learning objectives for this activity has been designed to address clinician competence. Upon conclusion of the activity participants should be able to: – Explain the genetic diagnostic strategy for autism and developmental delay. – Discuss the limitations of genetic testing. – Understand how to coordinate care with providers for testing. |
11:50 am – 12:10 pm | Refreshment Break with Door Prize Drawings, Exhibitors, and Poster Session |
12:10 pm – 1:10 pm | Legislative Luncheon |
1:10 pm – 3:10 pm | ECT, Ketamine, and TMS for Adolescents: What we Know, When to Refer, and What to Expect – Neil Puri, MD |
Objectives: The learning objectives for this activity has been designed to address clinician competence. Upon conclusion of the activity participants should be able to: – Discuss the indications and contraindications for electroconvulsive therapy, ketamine/esketamine treatment, and transcranial magnetic stimulation. – Explain the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy, ketamine/esketamine treatment, and transcranial magnetic stimulation. – Plan co-management strategies for patients receiving electroconvulsive therapy, ketamine/esketamine treatment, and transcranial magnetic stimulation. |
3:10 pm – 3:30 pm | Closing Remarks |
Sunday July 21, 2024
9:00 am – 9:15 am | Opening Remarks |
9:15 am – 10:15 am | Complications and Opportunities in the Assessment and Treatment of Perinatal Substance Use Sarah Wakefield, MD |
Objectives: The learning objectives for this activity has been designed to address clinician competence. Upon conclusion of the activity participants should be able to: – Understand the risks and effects of drug exposure to the fetus. – Identify long-term consequences on child development. – Recognize strategies for prevention and support for affected families. – Address stigma and misconceptions surrounding this issue. – Identify resources for seeking help and treatment. |
10:15 am – 10:30 am | Refreshment Break |
10:30 am – 12:30 pm | ETHICS Panel: Neuroethics in the Field of Special Needs Individuals– Patricia Evans, MD, PhD; Mary Ann Morris, PhD, BCSE; Rachel Dickison, JD |
Objectives: The learning objectives for this activity has been designed to address clinician competence. Upon conclusion of the activity participants should be able to: – Identify the bioethical issues impacting three major groups: the individual and their families and advocates, health care providers, and government agencies – Learn about the roles, limits, and supports of governmental and regulatory agencies that help protect vulnerable individuals. – Recognize the importance of balancing the best possible diagnosis against the most closely tailored educational and social resources that are needed for the individual’s particular phase of life. – Identify available school services, the rights of the student/family, and how to advocate for them. |
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm | Closing Remarks |
CME PROGRAM OBJECTIVES / TARGET AUDIENCE This live activity has been designed with didactic lectures supplemented with panel discussion, clinical vignettes, audiovisual presentations, case presentation and discussion in multiple educational sessions. The program is designed to provide its target audience of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists, Adult Psychiatrists, Pediatricians and Primary Care Physicians with clinically relevant information to advance the physicians’ competence so that they may develop strategies to apply the knowledge, skills and judgement from the educational activity into their practice. Physicians often encounter patients that have both psychiatric and neurologic symptoms related to a single etiology. These conditions are inherently complex and often require additional considerations and collaboration between specialties. The objectives of this program aim to equip the attendees with the ability to better assess and care for patients with a variety of diagnoses, treatment options, and special needs.
IDENTIFIED PRACTICE GAPS / NEEDS ASSESSMENT TSCAP has incorporated into this CME activity the relevant educational needs concerning competence that underlie the professional practice gaps of our participants.
ACCREDITATION STATEMENT This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas accreditation requirements and policies of the Texas Medical Association (TMA) through the Joint Providership of the Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians and the Texas Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. TSPP is accredited by the TMA to provide continuing education for physicians.
CREDIT STATEMENT The Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians designates this Live Activity for a maximum of eight (8) AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in this activity.
MEDICAL ETHICS and/or PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT The Ethics Presentation: “ETHICS: Neuroethics in the Field of Special Needs Individuals” has been designated by the Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians for a total of two (2) credits of education in medical ethics and/or professional responsibility.
FACULTY AND PLANNERS DISCLOSURE POLICY In compliance with the ACCME/TMA Standards for Commercial Support of CME, to assure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all of its CME activities, prior to the education activity being delivered to the learners, the Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians implemented a mechanism to identify and resolve personal conflicts of interest from everyone who was in a position to control the content of the education activity. TSPP will disclose to learners the existence (or non-existence) of all relevant financial relationship(s) that the faculty and planners did (or did not) have with any ineligible companies concerned with the content of the educational presentation. Disclosure will occur prior to the presentation through written communication.